Monday, July 16, 2007








Tuesday, October 03, 2006

1 - The Pet Professional

Name: The Pet Professional
By: Jason R. Salesbury
Characteristic sample:
Wikipedia entry: Nope
Genre: Hmmm, difficult, I'll go with "Pet murdering assassin comic"
Drawing style: Moderately detailed drawing, standard colouring (before May 06), black and white (since May 06)
Mood: Simple Haha-fun, sprinkled with bits of dark humour and a note of satire
What it's about: A professional pet assassin takes on various jobs killing various pets in various ways. Variously.

Orientation (on a scale of 1-10)
Gags: 8
Story: 4
Character: 3

Rating: B-


welcome to my first review.
To clear up the Orientation section, this is not meant as a rating, it is a indication of what the comic is concentration on. So e.g. the 3 in story today doesn't mean the comic sucks at story, it just means it isn't that much about the story.

Hmm, The Pet Professional,

I like the idea, it's fresh and it gives for some new material. The Pet Professional started out as a pure gag comic, the title character killing some new kind of pet every comic. It made for pretty funny stuff and Jason managed to throw in some satire about PETA and the evilness of dolphins for some flavour.
The drawing is pretty standard, simple hard lines and (up to the change to black and white) clear colours.
Both of it made for a simple, funny enjoyable comic, nothing to think about on dark lonely winter nights when you're pondering the existential questions of existence, but good for a quick laugh, before you're off to work.
But it seems this was not the way Jason wanted his comic to progress, perhaps he got bored with the simple gag-a-week style. He inserted more and more story, tried to make his title character a bit deeper and switched the style to a (mostly) black and white comic.
Unfortunally this showed of the weeknesses of the comic more than its strengths. The title character is overall, not particulary interesting; you're standard webcomic assassin with the only difference that he preys on animals and not on people. The stories don't really florish, they drag on with only the occasional gag here and there. The setting doesn't really give itself for longer arcs, it's either fit for short gags or long boredom.
Also it seems that the comic is in its last breaths as the latest storyline is called: "The beginning of the original end"

So overall this surely isn't a bad comic and can be really funny on occasions, but if you are (unlike me) not terribly interested in violence against animals, you probably should check out only the earlier parts of the archive, have a few laughs and move on.

ok, a new project

hello guys,

meet me...
now say goodbye to me...
isn't the world great?

I am a pathological webcomic reader and will give a glimps of what comics I'm reading on a regular basis.
randow reviews, random timetables, random spelling... that's what the internet is for, right?
so have fun!
